Stress is a silent killer and needs to be dealt with by better understanding it and routine behavior changes and therapy.
Arthritis is known to flare up in colder weather, but the reasons for this do not have to be due to the cold, and it can be managed using simple lifestyle changes.
Restricted blood circulation is caused by a variety of factors including lifestyle choices and requires simple changes in daily routine and stress-busting exercises to see results.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe problem which is treated with the use of stress balls that help with improving muscle strength and build resistance.
Physicals therapist find stress balls to be an easy to use and convenient therapy tool for patients with hand, wrist or finger rehabilitation requirement.
Stress Balls are a straightforward and easy exercise tool for older adults, who have limited energy or will to do exercises on a regular basis.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be treated using Stress Balls, which help improve blood flow and alleviate pain by doing low-impact exercises at work or home.
Stress balls can be used in an unintrusive way, in the work environment or at home to reduce stress, enhance mood, increase productivity and induce relaxation.
Playing video games for extended period leads to stress build-up and repetitive stress injury of fingers and wrist. Using StringyBall tethered to the wrist, video gamers can take breaks between the games to relax and exercise the wrist and fingers, using a stress ball, without disrupting the game flow and concentration.
Creating a healthy work environment using exercise and other motivating tools, helps increase positivity, productivity, and employee morale in the office.
Multitasking takes shape in several forms and is a crucial part of your day. It is important to introduce stress releasing activities to help you multitask efficiently. Some of these include using stress balls, pacing, and doing push-ups.
Children who have autism or ADD/ADHD use Stress Balls as a way to keep calm and stay focused, as squeezing the stress ball sends sensory signals that occupy one part of the child’s brain, the anxious one, making them attentive.
StringyBall is a squeeze ball on a string designed to stay attached to your wrist or palm to make exercising easier and a pleasant experience.
The main advantage of securing the ball is that it will not fall or roll away when doing exercises or during breaks; while allowing the user to do more complicated exercise maneuvers because of the certainty that the squeeze ball will not free itself. Just like conventional stress balls, StringyBall provides the same benefits with an added value of convenience.