Multitasking takes shape in several forms and is a crucial part of your day. It is important to introduce stress releasing activities to help you multitask efficiently. Some of these include using stress balls, pacing, and doing push-ups.
We all know the age old saying 'There is never enough time in the day.' Yes, there is always so much to do. Deadlines, responsibilities, personal, and professional relationships have to be managed in under a day, so you have to multitask.By definition, multitasking refers to taking the time to complete more than one task. We all know that there have been several people including researchers who don't condone multitasking. Another issue people bring up is whether women and men can multitask with the same efficiency and how well they do it? This is because there are principles of multitasking, which, when followed, increase your productivity levels. Multitasking takes prioritization among several other factors. To utilize your 24 hours as efficiently as possible, we'll let you in on our best-kept multitasking secrets. They include:1. Focus on the elephant in front of youIt doesn't matter if the task ahead of you is monumental or small; focusing on several jobs at the same time does something to your body. There is an adrenaline rush felt as you start thinking of juggling five or more jobs. Unfortunately, the hormonal rush makes things scatter, and there is total disarray.Adrenaline is a stress hormone like cortisol. With its increase in the blood stream, your heartbeat heightens, and by the time you are halfway through a task, you will have lost most of your energy to internal stress. This stress will begin to show on your face, and will also potentially make you feel edgy.To curb any of this from happening, you should set a clear rule and prioritize on the task to be done first. This way you will be able to tackle your to-do list more calmly.2. No attachmentsIf you are like most people, you probably get hung up on one task even after completion. You should learn to let go. Switch gears and release all the energy of the past activity off from you. In the same way, you get an emotional release when a relationship or attachment is over; you should get moving on to the next task once you are done with it. Brooding over the past wastes time.3. Set time limitsYou are probably doing a task similar to one which you have done before. This means that you know the time that the job will take even before it is done. Set these time frames for all your activities on hand to save time.When working on a difficult task with familiar and unfamiliar parts, set the time taken to complete the known concepts then embark on the rest, starting with the toughest. This works like an unconscious mind reward process whereby at the end of the tough task, you get to work on the simpler one. This also pushes one to be more efficient.The key to multitasking is time management, which can be done using these strategies. Also, once the time limits are set, you should get to work immediately. There are several reasons why you may want to procrastinate especially now that you can see how little time it will take, but you shouldn’t procrastinate. This will make you spend more and additional hours in the office or even carry work home. 4. Start with high priority tasksSetting priorities are one of the most valuable multitasking secrets. A high paying job should be prioritized high above the priority list. For instance, submitting reports, emailing clients and following up on sales serve as high priority tasks that pay off more. These should be at the top of the list. Calling a friend about a dinner date should be low on your priority list.5. Honor your calendarTechnology has made scheduling and organizing meetings and your days better. You can have a to-do-list or a set of activities slotted in from the day with a reminder set. You may also have all this information written down somewhere. To reduce the possibility of getting stressed out for missing a meeting or forgetting to place a call at a particular time, write or type these activities down and set alarms or activate your notifications to ensure that what is needed to be done is done in time.Scheduling is critical, and in addition to the fixed time allotted to different activities, you could include some buffer time, especially when doing complex tasks.Which exercises can you fix in your tight schedule?With these secrets let out of the bag, you may be wondering, 'with all to do during the day, when will I find time to de-stress and or re-energize?'Remember the buffer time; this is your perfect time to de-stress or even exercise. The best part is that you don't have to change into sweat pants and jogging shoes, all these exercises can be done when you are seated or around your desk. These activities include:1. Stress Ball exercises:Typing and working on the desk for about 8 hours a day tenses your arm muscles. Stress balls are useful in strengthening hands, forearms, and all your fingers. Dynamic and Isometric squeezing or holding of the ball against your palm strengthens muscles.The exercises are also great stress busters. They enhance release of endorphins and also activate motor neurons ensuring that you work when relaxed. Blood circulation is also improved.2. Leg raisesWhile sitting in an upright posture, you should lift your leg in a straight form; this strengthens your abs.3. Phone pacingThough this is associated with stress, and it could be a manifestation of stress, phone pacing when closing a sale or handling customer complaints racks up your steps.4. Standing calf raisesEffective in strengthening your calf muscles, this is a proper exercise after sitting in the office for extended periods of time.5. Paper pushupsThese exercises strengthen your arms. To do them, you may place both your arms on the desk then align your body at a 45-degree angle and begin the push-ups.6. Book pressThis exercise is excellent for your triceps. Take the heaviest book available around you, hold it behind your back, and extend your arms upwards.7. Shoulder blade squeezesMost people who sit at their desks all day working have a posture problem. The hunched back posture characterizes this. Simply pretend that you are holding a pencil between your shoulder blades for a few seconds, then release.In conclusion, sitting in one position can adversely affect your health. Even with tens of files stack up on your desk, you should still find time to slot in one or more of these exercises within a day. Stress balls are also critical in aiding multi-tasking productivity; StringyBall can be tethered to your wrist and be readily available as and when you need to exercise.